stack of deck boards with construction in the background


Gloucester Housing Partnership Celebrates 25th Year of Service to the Community

Making homes warm, safe, dry and accessible for low-income, elderly or disabled homeowners in Gloucester County…at no cost to them. That’s the mission of the Gloucester Housing Partnership, Inc. (GHP) and has been since founded in 1992.

“By providing low-income residents with needed home repairs to keep them safe, warm and dry, we believe we are helping to prevent homelessness in our community,” said GHP Board Chairman Chip Roady. “We’re able to do that thanks to the support of this community.”

In the last 25 years, the GHP has completed more than 400 projects across Gloucester.

“Yet, even though we’ve been around for so long, so many people have no idea that we’re here, what we do,” Roady said. “As we celebrate our 25th anniversary, we’re hoping the community rallies around our mission, gets to know us and becomes more involved. It’s true what they say – whatever good things we build end up building us.”


The GHP’s assistance includes, among other support, modifications and construction of handicapped ramps, as well as general home repairs that can include plumbing, windows, floors, electrical, heating, termite treatment and weatherization.

GHP team in front of house

Guided by a volunteer citizen Board of Directors, GHP is a United Way Agency, non-profit tax-deductible organization and certified Volunteer Work Force Agency.

GHP receives referrals from Gloucester County’s Social Services Department, Healthy/Families and Bay Aging, and individual applicants and/or community organizations.

“Our dedicated caseworkers screen applications to qualify individuals seeking assistance,” Roady said. “Our review process both prior to acceptance and during each case includes the scope and cost of the project, matching applicants’ needs with volunteers’ skills and providing qualified supervision on each project we undertake.”

Securing a post to a ramp


Many hands make light work.

“If you or members of your church, civic or community organization or business have skills in carpentry, painting, electrical, plumbing, we need you,” Roady said. “If your business or profession can volunteer your employee services or skills on a time-to-time basis, we need you. Or, if you can come to one of our work sites and cheer our volunteers on, we need you.”

The GHP also needs monetary support as it assumes the costs of materials and labor, when volunteers aren’t available, to help residents who can’t afford to pay for repairs.

Individuals and businesses interested in supporting the GHP can help provide financial assistance or fund materials needed for a project.

“Your support allows us to further our mission to keep Gloucester County residents warm, safe and dry in their homes,” Roady said. “With your support, we can continue to serve this community for another 25 years…and beyond.”