Fire Safety home campaign


The mission of the Gloucester Housing Partnership (GHP) is clear: help keep Gloucester residents warm, SAFE and dry in their homes.

In 2017, GHP completed projects for 31 qualified residents whose homes required critical repairs. That meant building ramps to reach front doors, repairing roofs to prevent rain from entering homes, completing plumbing projects to ensure families had access to water, and so much more.

But the sad reality is that we couldn’t get to everyone and there is always so much more we can do.

This year, with your support, we’re digging in deep and honing in on the core element of our mission – KEEP PEOPLE SAFE.

And we need your help.

GHP is delighted to announce we have partnered with ACI Fire & Safety to purchase and install a smoke detector and fire extinguisher in every home, to every family, who reaches out to the GHP for support.

By the end of 2018, we estimate we will reach 100 families.

Between the cost of the smoke detectors, fire extinguishers (which ACI Fire & Safety is so generously helping us secure) and labor, we can make a home (and its residents) safer for $50 per home.

Please join us in this effort, one that not only directly benefits the families in these homes, but also our entire community by helping ensure families all across the county have the most basic safety equipment properly installed in their homes.